Evening Star Pattern: What It Is, What It Means, and Example Chart

What Is an Evening Star?

An evening star is a stock price chart pattern that's used by technical analysts to detect when a trend is about to reverse. It's a bearish candlestick pattern that consists of three candles: a large white candlestick, a small-bodied candle, and a red candle.

Evening star patterns are associated with the top of a price uptrend, signifying that the uptrend is nearing its end. The opposite of the evening star is the morning star pattern, which is viewed as a bullish indicator.

Key Takeaways

  • An evening star is a candlestick pattern that's used by technical analysts to predict future price reversals to the downside.
  • The evening star pattern is rare but it's considered by traders to be a reliable technical indicator.
  • The evening star is the opposite of the morning star pattern.
  • The candlestick pattern is bearish and the morning star pattern is bullish.

How an Evening Star Works

A candlestick pattern is a way of presenting certain information about a stock. It represents the open, high, low, and close price for the stock over a period of time.

Each candlestick consists of a candle and two wicks. The length of the candle is a function of the range between the highest and lowest price during that trading day. A long candle indicates a large change in price and a short candle indicates a small change in price.

Long candlestick bodies are indicative of intense buying or selling pressure, depending on the direction of the trend. Short candlesticks are indicative of little price movement.

The evening star pattern is considered to be a very strong indicator of future price declines. Its pattern forms over three days:

  1. The first day consists of a large white candle signifying a continued rise in prices.
  2. The second day consists of a smaller candle that shows a more modest increase in price.
  3. The third day shows a large red candle that opens at a price below the previous day and then closes near the middle of the first day.

Special Considerations

The evening star pattern is considered to be a reliable indication that a downward trend has begun but it can be difficult to discern amid the noise of stock-price data. Traders often use price oscillators and trendlines to help identify it reliably and to confirm whether an evening star pattern has in fact occurred.

It's advisable to consult various technical indicators to predict price movements rather than rely solely on the signals provided by one.

The evening star pattern isn't the only bearish indicator despite its popularity among traders. Other bearish candlestick patterns include the dark cloud cover and the bearish engulfing. Traders have their own preferences regarding what patterns to watch for when they want to detect trend changes.

Example of an Evening Star Pattern

The following chart provides an example of the evening star pattern:

Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2021

The three days depicted here begin with a long white candle indicating that prices have risen from significant buying pressure. The second day also shows a rise in prices but the extent of the increase is modest compared to the previous day. The third day shows a long red candle in which selling pressure has forced the price to around the midpoint of the first day.

These are the tell-tale signs that an evening star pattern has occurred. Technical analysts trading this security would consider selling or shorting the security in anticipation of an upcoming decline.

What Are the Open, High, Low, and Close Prices?

These prices monitor the value of a stock over a period of time. An open or opening price is the first price a stock trades at when the market opens in the morning. The closing price is the last price of the day. High and low prices track whether a stock has lost or gained value during the day.

How Does the Evening Star Pattern Use These Prices?

The evening star pattern correlates these prices over three days. This can be a prime indicator of when a trend in price is about to reverse.

What Is the Doji Candlestick Pattern?

The doji pattern occurs when the open price of a stock is the same or nearly the same as the close price. Upward movement indicates that the stock may begin sinking soon. Downward movement is a sign that the stock may go up. This information can be an indicator of what will happen the next day.

The Bottom Line

It's a good idea to employ various indicators to help you predict price movements but the evening star pattern can be a solid tool. It's particularly useful in identifying downward trends but it can admittedly be a bit difficult to pin down. Options like trendlines and oscillators can help and don't overlook the value of a broker's advice and assistance.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. The Sovereign Investor. "Evening Star Pattern: What Does It Mean and How to Trade It Properly?"

  2. Elearnmarkets. "5 Powerful Bearish Candlestick Patterns."

  3. TheStreet. "What Are the Opening & Closing Prices in the Stock Market?"

  4. Stock-Screener.org. "Doji Candlestick Pattern."

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