A Guide to the Iran Nuclear Deal

Steam clouds billowing into the sky coming from nuclear power plant at sunset

 distelAPPArath / Pixabay

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, was an international agreement to restrict the development of nuclear weapons by Iran.

In exchange, the United States and other countries agreed to ease their sanctions against the Iranian economy. The deal collapsed after the U.S. withdrew in 2018.

The JCPOA made headlines across the globe as a landmark historical agreement between extreme opponents.

Just three years later, in 2018, President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal on the grounds that it failed to curtail Iran's missile program or its influence on its neighbors. Iran responded by restarting its nuclear program.

Early in his administration, President Joe Biden and Iranian leaders both signaled a willingness to restart the original deal.

However, events in Iran, including that nation's support for Russia in its war against Ukraine, ended hopes of a resumption of talks.

And, in fact, no new progress was made through the end of the Biden administration. The deal expires in October 2025.

In February 2025, in his second administration, President Trump planned to sign an executive order intended to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

Key Takeaways

  • The Iran nuclear deal was intended to curb Iran's ability to produce nuclear weapons in exchange for the removal of economic sanctions on Iran.
  • In May 2018, President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the deal and reissue sanctions on Iran.
  • After Trump ordered the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in early 2020, Iran announced its withdrawal from the accord.
  • The willingness of the U.S. to revive the deal was quashed by Iran's support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, among other geopolitical and human rights concerns.
  • In February 2025, President Trump planned to place extreme pressure on Iran to prevent its development of a nuclear weapon.

Understanding the Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran Nuclear Deal was a signature foreign policy achievement of President Barack Obama's second term. The accord came after months of preparation and two weeks of final intensive discussions in Vienna.

The deal was intended to limit Tehran's nuclear capability in return for lifting international oil trading and financial sanctions placed on the nation.

It laid out a lengthy process spanning 15 to 25 years, to be supervised by an eight-member committee including Iran, the U.S., the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China, and the European Union.

In May 2018, President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement and issued fresh sanctions against Iran.

Following the 2020 U.S. assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, Iran resumed its enrichment activities and began developing new centrifuges.

Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

Based on the revelations of an Iranian exile group in 2002, Iran was suspected of having nuclear facilities. Inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and subsequent discoveries confirmed these suspicions.

Iran continued to proceed with its nuclear program despite international opposition. In 2006, the United Nations imposed sanctions on Iran. These were followed by similar actions by the U.S. and the European Union.

A bitter war of words broke out between Iran and the world powers.

The sanctions—primarily on Iran's oil business, weapons sales, and financial transactions—severely harmed Iran’s economy.

As one of the world's largest producers of crude oil, prices went through a volatile period.

The Parties Involved

The deal was negotiated between Iran and a group of countries that included the U.S., Russia, the U.K., Germany, France, China, and the European Union (EU).

The supporters of the nuclear deal affirmed its benefits, which included the best possible guarantee from Iran that it would refrain from producing a nuclear arsenal.

It was, at the time, an important step toward establishing peace in the Middle East region, particularly in the context of the terrorist organization ISIS and the role of oil in Middle East economies.

How to Limit Nuclear Capabilities

To make nuclear bombs, uranium ore mined from the earth needs enrichment to either uranium-235 or plutonium. Uranium ore is processed using devices called centrifuges to create uranium-235. It is processed in nuclear reactors to transform it into plutonium.

Under the deal, Tehran would reduce the number of centrifuges at the Natanz uranium plant to 5,000—about half the number known to exist at the time. Nationwide, the number of centrifuges would be reduced from 19,000 to 6,000.

The enrichment levels would be brought down to 3.7%, which was much lower than the 90% needed to make a bomb.

The stockpile for the low-enrichment uranium would be capped at 300 kilograms for the next 15 years, down from a known stockpile of 12,000 kilograms.

All these measures would serve to restrict Iran's capability to make a nuclear bomb and would ensure nuclear power usage would be limited to civilian use.

Next Steps and Timeline

As the deal was finalized, a UN Security Council resolution was agreed upon.

By Aug. 15, 2015, Iran submitted written responses to the questions raised by the IAEA about its nuclear program and developments.

Additionally, the deal allowed monitoring of Iran's facilities by IAEA inspectors on or before Oct. 15, 2015.

Removal of Sanctions

The oil embargo that prevented the export of oil from Iran was removed. The U.S. and EU lifted oil- and trade-related sanctions.

Foreign companies began to purchase oil from Iran. U.S. companies located outside the U.S. were authorized to trade with Iran. Imports of selected items from Iran were permitted, and this affected international business.

Simultaneously, sanctions on Iran’s banking and financial systems were dropped. This enabled the immediate release of about $100 billion lying frozen in Iranian bank accounts overseas.

Other Benefits

Immediately after the deal's announcement, government officials from major European countries began visits to Iran to explore business opportunities.

Some of the main challenges faced by Iran during the sanction period were a shrinking GDP, high inflation, and isolation from the world's economic systems. All such economic challenges dramatically improved after the agreement.

Lifting sanctions allowed the movement of supplies of oil from Iran, which was thought to be in huge stockpiles after years of sanctions.

In the past, prior to the imposition of sanctions, international oil companies like France’s Total and Norway’s Statoil (now Equinor) operated in Iran for years. The lifting of sanctions changed the tide for those countries and other top oil producers.

European car manufacturers including Peugeot and Volkswagen were market leaders in Iran prior to the sanctions. They also resumed their business activities after the start of the deal.

However, despite such notable exceptions, foreign businesses had a limited presence in Iran due to its 1979 Revolution. Thus, opportunities remained largely unexplored by international businesses across many industry sectors. 

$1 Trillion

The cost of U.S. sanctions to the Iranian economy, according to an Iranian foreign minister in 2021.

Key Concerns

President Barack Obama claimed that the deal would make the U.S. and the world a safer place. However, concerns remained.

Challenges included administrating and monitoring the atomic facilities and developments in Iran. Complete transparency was required about the existing labs, establishments, underground sites, research centers, and military bases associated with nuclear developments.

Though Iran agreed to provide the IAEA with higher levels of information and deeper levels of access to all nuclear programs and facilities in the country, the status of these remained murky.

Opposition to the Iran Nuclear Deal

Although welcomed by many nations, the Iran Nuclear Deal had opposition from a few prominent world leaders.

Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu said the deal "paves Iran's path to the bomb." His vehement opposition was based on Iran’s record of being a nuclear-capable challenge for the Middle East region.

Netanyahu argued that the deal was a platform to fund and nurture a nuclear-capable, religious-extremist country. He believed a strengthened Iran could hinder peace and security in the region.

Post Deal U.S. Presidents and Iran

President Donald Trump

After Donald Trump was elected president in November 2016, proponents of the deal feared the agreement, which they saw as a win for world peace, was in jeopardy.


In May 2018, President Trump announced that the U.S. would pull out of the deal. By the end of the year, it had reinstated sanctions on Iran. European countries, including Germany, France, and the U.K. disagreed with the imposition of sanctions.

Iran's economy struggled, leading to protests in the streets. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that the country was rolling back some of the restrictions that had been agreed to under the deal.

Iran would stop complying with the caps for stockpiles of enriched uranium. The Iranian president also announced the country would halt any sales of surplus supplies overseas.


In late 2019, President Trump ordered the January 2020 killing of General Qasem Soleimani, who was one of Iran's top military leaders.

In response, Iran announced it would no longer comply with the 2015 nuclear deal.

In May 2019, Iran's Atomic Energy Organization stated that it would quadruple the production or output of low-enriched uranium, which was later confirmed by the IAEA.

President Joe Biden


President Joe Biden was said to be intent on restoring the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran early in his administration.

White House officials reviewed each sanction that former President Trump put in place against Iran. (Towards the end of Trump's first term, there were more 700 sanctions in place.)

Since the end of the agreement, Iran had produced more nuclear material and increased its enrichment levels, although it had not yet reached the 90% enrichment level needed to produce a weapon.


The resumption of sanctions by the U.S. and its European allies had the effect of driving Iran into a closer relationship with Russia. As others shunned both, the economic, political, and security ties between the two countries grew substantially.

And there was another barrier to any relations with Iran: International opposition to the clerical government was greatly intensified by the wave of anti-government protests that swept the nation in 2022.

2023 and 2024

No resumption of talks or a deal renewal occurred in these years of the Biden administration. In late 2024, Iran resumed its efforts to enrich uranium.

President Trump's Second Administration


In February, President Trump planned to take action to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. It involved reducing Iran's oil exports to zero.

Why Can't the Iran Nuclear Deal Be Revived?

Iran is locked in a vicious cycle that has cut it off from the international community, except for Russia.  The country's support for "armed proxies and terrorist groups, its human rights violations, and its increasingly close relationships with Russia and China" make a revival of the original deal unlikely.

Does Iran Support Russia?

Yes. Russia has become Iran's top trading partner since the reimposition of sanctions by the U.S. and Europe cut the nation off from most of its markets. Iran has supplied Russia with drones that were used in the assault on Ukraine. It remained cagey about its role in Russia's invasion. Only in November 2022 did Iran report that it had supplied Russia with drones but said that they were limited in number and were sent before the war. Iran is officially neutral on the war. However, the U.S. confirmed that in 2024, Iran had supplied close range ballistic missiles to Russia.

Did the Iran Nuclear Deal Eliminate All Sanctions on Iran?

Some sanctions remained on Iran and probably would remain even if the Iran Nuclear Deal were revived. These include:

  • Sanctions on conventional weapons sales to Iran
  • Designation of Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism
  • Potential sanctions on any acts by Iran that destabilize the Mideast region

The Bottom Line

The Iran Nuclear Deal allowed Iran to resume oil exports in exchange for limiting its nuclear technology, until the U.S. withdrew in 2018.

The pros and cons of the landmark deal were hotly debated. Its cancellation was equally controversial. It appears that the Iran nuclear deal will not be revived, and that Iran's isolation from most of the world's powers will continue.

Article Sources
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