How to Analyze a Company's Capital Structure

When seeking investment quality, the balance sheet tells the story

Capital structure is the mix of debt and equity that fund a company's operations. A judicious use of debt and equity is a key indicator of a strong balance sheet.

A healthy capital structure that reflects a low level of debt and a large amount of equity is a positive sign of investment quality. However, if a company has extremely low debt, it may not be using its credit effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Capital structure refers to a company's mix of capital—its particular combination of debt and equity.
  • Equity is a company's common and preferred stock—plus its retained earnings.
  • Debt typically includes short-term borrowing, long-term debt, and a portion of the principal amount of operating leases and redeemable preferred stock.
  • Important ratios used to analyze capital structure include the debt ratio, the debt-to-equity ratio, and the long-term debt-to-capitalization ratio.
  • Credit agency ratings can also help investors assess the quality of a company's capital structure.
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Business Components of Capital Structure

Capital Structure

Various types of funding support a company's growth. Capital structure refers to a company's mix of capital—its particular combination of debt and equity. Capital structure is also referred to as capitalization or capitalization structure.

When it is expressed as a formula, capital structure equals debt obligations plus total shareholders' equity:

Capital Structure = DO + TSE


DO = debt obligations
TSE = total shareholders’ equity


Equity refers to a company's common and preferred stock and its retained earnings. Equity is considered invested capital, and it appears in the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet.


A company's debt is sometimes conflated with its liabilities. However, there is an important distinction between operational liabilities and debt liabilities. Operational liabilities are expenses a company has to pay to keep the business running, such as salaries. When referring to the components of a capital structure, the only liabilities considered are debt liabilities (and not operational liabilities).

However, there is debate about the category of "debt liabilities." Not all analysts agree on exactly what constitutes a debt liability. Some analysts define the debt component of capital structure as a balance sheet's long-term debt. However, other analysts consider this definition too simplistic. They believe the debt portion of a capital structure should consist of short-term borrowings (notes payable), long-term debt, and two-thirds (as a rule of thumb) of the principal amount of operating leases and redeemable preferred stock. This is considered a more comprehensive view of a company's total debt figure.

Ratios Used to Assess Capital Structure

In general, analysts use three ratios to assess the strength of a company's capitalization structure.

  1. The debt ratio (total debt to total assets)
  2. The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio (total debt to total shareholders' equity)
  3. Long-term debt to capitalization ratio

The first ratio—the debt ratio—is related to the degree to which a company's assets are paid for with debt. In general, the greater the ratio, the more leveraged a company is.

The second ratio—the debt-to-equity ratio—represents ongoing obligations, including current and operational liabilities. Unlike long-term debt, there are no fixed payments of principal or interest attached to operational liabilities.

The third ratio—the long-term debt to capitalization ratio—is one of the capitalization ratios. It's calculated by dividing long-term debt by total capitalization (where total capitalization equals a company's common equity, preferred equity, and long-term debt). This ratio compares long-term debt to the debt and equity in a company's capital structure. Long-term debt can cost less than shareholder equity because it can be tax-deductible. This ratio is expressed as a percentage; a low number indicates less debt—which is usually more desirable than a large amount of debt.

Optimal Relationship Between Debt and Equity

There is no optimal ratio of debt to equity to consider: a healthy blend of debt and equity varies according to the industry, the line of business, and a firm's stage of development.

However, in general, the optimal measurement of debt to equity should reflect lower levels of debt and higher levels of equity.

Too much debt is a cause for concern, but too little debt can be, too. Too little debt can signify that a company is relying too much on its equity and not making efficient use of its assets.

Determining the Optimal Level of Leverage

Astute use of leverage (i.e., debt) can increase the financial resources available to a company for growth and expansion. On the other hand, debt that's not appropriately managed can mean trouble for a company.

Ideally, a business should be able to earn more using borrowed funds than what it pays in interest expense and fees on those funds. To carry a large amount of debt successfully, a company must maintain a solid record of complying with its various borrowing commitments.

The Problem With Too Much Leverage

A company that has too much debt relative to equity—that is too highly leveraged—might find that creditors refuse to extend them more debt, and they may even take ownership of its assets. Or, the company could experience diminished profitability as a result of paying steep interest costs. In addition, a firm could have trouble meeting its operating and debt liabilities during periods of adverse economic conditions.

If an over-leveraged company's particular business sector is extremely competitive, competing companies could take advantage of its position by swooping in to grab more market share. A worst-case scenario might be a firm needing to declare bankruptcy.

Credit rating agencies use ratings that typically distinguish between investment grade and non-investment grade debt.

Credit Rating Agencies

Credit rating agencies examine the creditworthiness of companies. Their ratings of the debt issued by companies can help investors determine whether that debt is risky as an investment.

The primary credit rating agencies are Moody's, Standard & Poor's (S&P), and Fitch. These entities conduct formal risk evaluations of a company's ability to repay principal and interest on debt obligations—primarily on their bonds and commercial paper. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) conducts an oversight study of credit rating agencies annually, on behalf of investors.

Investors are advised to look for high ratings on the debt of companies in which they may invest. Likewise, investors should be wary of a company with poor ratings.

What Is Capital Structure?

Capital structure represents debt plus shareholder equity on a company's balance sheet. Understanding capital structure can help investors size up the strength of the balance sheet and the company's financial health. This can aid investors in their investment decision-making.

What Is a Credit Rating Agency?

A credit rating agency is a company that offers ratings for debt issued by companies. An agency, such as Moody's or Standard & Poor's, rates the debt according to a company's ability to pay principal and interest to its debt holders. Each agency has its own rating method. Generally, the higher the rating, the more likely a company can pay back what it borrowed.

What's the Difference Between the D/E Ratio and a Capitalization Ratio?

The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio compares a company's debt position to its equity position. The calculation for this ratio is total debt divided by total equity. The long-term debt to capitalization ratio (one of several capitalization ratios) compares long-term debt to the capital structure of a company. (The capital structure of a company refers to its long-term debt and total shareholder equity.) The calculation for the long-term debt to capitalization ratio is long-term debt divided by long-term debt and shareholder equity.

The Bottom Line

A company's capital structure is its mix of equity and debt. Investors can examine a company's capital structure by looking at its balance sheet. Although there is no specific level of debt and equity that is considered healthy, in general, lower debt levels and higher equity levels are preferable.

Various financial ratios are used to analyze the capital structure of a firm. These can give investors and analysts a view of how a company compares with its peers and, therefore, its financial standing in its industry.

The credit ratings provided by reputable credit agencies also help shed light on the capital structure of a firm.

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  1. U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission. "Updated Investor Bulletin: the ABCs of Credit Ratings."

  2. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "SEC Publishes Annual Staff Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations."

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