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Cambridge Analytica: Overview, History, and Example

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Cambridge Analytica was a consulting company that specialized in using data science methodologies to support political campaigns. The company declared bankruptcy in 2018 following legal and political fallout from its use of personal data it obtained from almost 90 million Facebook (currently META) users.

Key Takeaways

  • Cambridge Analytica was a political consulting company that infamously attempted to use the psychological profiles of nearly 90 million Facebook users to influence their political decisions.
  • The firm was active in the Leave-EU Brexit campaign as well as in President Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
  • Cambridge Analytica closed its doors in 2018.
  • Several of the company’s former key personnel have founded or moved to similar companies.

What Was Cambridge Analytica?

Cambridge Analytica was founded in 2013. It was the offshoot of a British company, SCL Group (formerly Strategic Communication Laboratories), and was set up as a U.S. subsidiary company of SCL. It targeted Facebook and other social media platforms during its early days to run advertisements based on user profiles. They included ads for political campaigns.

The company became the subject of widespread criticism in 2018 following reports that it purchased data from a British academic concerning the personal psychological profile of roughly 270,000 Facebook users.

It was able to indirectly access data from the Facebook friends of those users due to the terms and conditions of the Facebook platform at that time. Cambridge Analytica was able to access a far larger pool of data regarding 87 million users in this manner without the knowledge or consent of almost any of them.

Cambridge Analytica was able to use the data points it collected to build models that allowed psychological profiling of a variety of users including their political affinities, whether they were extroverts or introverts, and how they would react to certain campaigns.

The company managed to run campaigns suitable for various types of users using these profile-based models which allegedly influenced election choices.

Real-World Examples of Cambridge Analytica

The public’s concern regarding Cambridge Analytica was based not only on its acquisition of personal information but also on the way the company reportedly used that information. The company allegedly used this data in support of various clients’ political campaigns, effectively using people’s psychological profiles to influence their political decisions.

Two notable examples of campaigns with ties to Cambridge Analytica are the Leave campaign in the 2016 Brexit referendum debate and President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. A reporter filmed the company executive, Alexander Nix, in a sting operation proudly claiming that his firm did all the data research, mining, and analytics work for Trump’s campaign.

He allegedly also bragged about the unethical practices the company used to expose corrupt politicians in foreign elections thereby influencing the outcomes.

Nix was suspended from his post following the revelations in March 2018 and Facebook suspended all SCL's accounts for failing to delete the key data points the company collected from the social media platform. Several of the company’s key personnel have since founded or moved to other companies engaged in political consulting based on data science techniques, however.

Why Did Facebook Change to Meta?

The Facebook brand had plummeted to 15th place behind other social media platforms in October of 2021. Its estimated brand value at that time was $36 billion compared to $200 to $300 billion for its competitors. Then came the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Facebook remade, renamed, and rebranded itself in a campaign designed to protect the privacy of users.

Meta/Facebook is still alive and well in 2025.

How Did the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Affect Other Social Media Platforms?

Google reportedly cut back on its targeting options after the scandal. Twitter disallowed political ads entirely. Many platforms including Facebook created transparency tools so users can see all campaign ads rather than just a select few that may have targeted them.

What Is Alexander Nix Doing in 2025?

The United Kingdom's Insolvency Service banned Nix from serving as a company director for seven years beginning in 2020. He's still restricted in 2025.

The Bottom Line

Cambridge Analytica is a now-defunct political consulting company that declared bankruptcy in 2018 after targeting the psychological profiles of nearly 90 million Facebook users during President Trump’s 2016 campaign. The firm used data points it had collected to create psychological profiles of users and then target them based on how they would likely react to campaigns.

Numerous social media platforms have made changes to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Facebook. "An Update on Our Plans to Restrict Data Access on Facebook."

  2. Federal Trade Commission. "Opinion of the Commission: In the Matter of Cambridge Analytica, LLC." Page 2.

  3. Federal Trade Commission. "Complaint: In the Matter of Aleksandr Kogan, an Individual, and Alexander Nix, Individually and as Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica, LLC." Page 2.

  4. Federal Trade Commission. "Complaint: In the Matter of Aleksandr Kogan, an individual, and Alexander Nix, Individually and as Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica, LLC." Page 1.

  5. Facebook. "Suspending Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group from Facebook."

  6. Federal Trade Commission. "Complaint: In the Matter of Aleksandr Kogan, an individual, and Alexander Nix, Individually and as Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica, LLC." Page 4.

  7. Federal Trade Commission. "Complaint: In the Matter of Aleksandr Kogan, an individual, and Alexander Nix, Individually and as Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Analytica, LLC." Page 5.

  8. INSEAD. "Why Facebook Is Rebranding Itself As Meta."

  9. Bipartisan Policy Center. "History of the Cambridge Analytica Controversy."

  10. The Guardian. "Former Cambridge Analytica Chief Receives Seven-Year Directorship Ban."

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