Top 6 Budgeting Questions Answered

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A budget is a tool. In essence, you are a CEO on a smaller scale, taking steps to ensure your company's (that is, your family's) cash flow is monitored each month.

Learning how to save money, pay off debt, and still enjoy a good lifestyle takes time. These six questions will help you get started.

Key Takeaway

  • Making a budget will often give you more financial freedom than living without one.
  • Understanding your debt and how to best pay it off can help you with your budget.
  • Following a good budget can lower debt, increase funding for investment accounts, and reduce overall financial stress.

1. How Much Should I Set Aside for Investments?

When deciding how much you should put aside to save or invest, there are many factors to consider, including your age, disposable income, and liquidity needs.


Your age will help determine your asset allocation (younger investors should have higher equity allocations than older ones) and how much money should be put toward future goals like buying a home or preparing for retirement.

Discretionary Income

Discretionary income is what you have left over after you've paid for your necessities. The amount of discretionary income you have will determine how much fun you can have now—and later in life, too.

Available Cash

Liquidity is how fast you can convert your assets to cash. Your level of liquidity will generally determine what kind of interest rates you will receive or how fast you will be able to access your money. If you place your money in accounts that tax you for withdrawing money or only let you make withdrawals after many years, then you have a very illiquid financial stance. How much personal liquidity you maintain is up to you and should be decided before you invest.

2. How Much Should I Save for Retirement?

Some good ways to begin saving for your future include employer-sponsored retirement accounts (e.g., 401(k)s) that allow you to use pre-tax dollars to fund your account. Many employers even offer to match up to a certain percentage of your annual income. If possible, you should try, at minimum, to contribute whatever percentage is matched by your employer.

Once an employer-sponsored plan has been maximized, any extra money that you can afford to put toward investments should go into funding an individual retirement account (IRA). Retirement accounts for you or a spouse provide a tax-free appreciation of your invested assets, a crucial component of long-term growth found in these funds.

While there is no magic dollar amount that defines how much should be saved or invested, 15% to 20% of your net income is a desirable target (but starting at 5% is still admirable).

Before you invest, however, you should make sure you have an emergency fund with three to six months' worth of living expenses that can be accessed quickly, like a savings account or Treasury bill.

3. How Fast Should I Pay Off My Debts?

Some debt, such as car financing, comes with specific repayment schedules, whereas rolling debt instruments like credit cards can generally be paid off according to one's ability to pay. Here is the ruling maxim: don't allocate money to taxable investment accounts if you have existing credit card balances. What credit cards charge in interest often outpaces what the average investor can expect to earn from stocks, bonds, or funds. It's much better to pay the credit cards off first and then begin budgeting some money for investment accounts. Doing so will allow you to save on escalating interest expenses.

Some fixed-period loans will allow for overpayment, while others will not. You should evaluate the interest rate being paid to determine if paying a fixed debt off early is the right path. If you have existing credit card debt, the chances are that this is costing you more in interest than an auto loan. In this case, you should still target paying off the credit card debt first.

Some creditors will give you different payment options if you contact them. You may find that you can have your monthly payment increased or otherwise adjusted to fit your budget.

Make sure there are no prepayment penalties for retiring a specific debt early, as these could negate any savings you get on interest costs. If you have too many cards or don't know which to pay off first, consider getting a consolidation loan to pay off all your cards and debts and make one manageable payment each month.

4. Should I Overpay on My Mortgage?

Your mortgage is often the cheapest source of debt you have. The only way it makes financial sense to overpay on your mortgage is if your mortgage interest rate is higher than what you might earn in the markets—say, above 7% or 8%.

You should consult an accountant or financial planner if your tax picture has many moving parts.

5. How Should I Maintain and Update My Budget?

In the first few months, it's essential to review account statements regularly and see exactly how much you're spending and on what. These figures should be compared to the amount set up in your budget, and any adjustments should be made to reflect the reality of your life. This is the best and easiest way for your budget to remain relevant in your financial life.

Inevitably you will come across "one-time" expenses that you may wish to add up over the course of a year rather than per month. For example, let's say your refrigerator goes on the fritz and costs $400 to make repairs. While this is a legitimate household maintenance expense, it wouldn't be accurate to add $400 to a section of your budget for household expenses or upkeep. It would be better to add these sporadic expenses to arrive at an annual figure for "home maintenance" or a similar category in your budget.

Remember, however, if you find that you've budgeted too harshly and have left little room for fun, you will not stick to this budget. If you find that you are covering bills, decreasing debt, and filling your emergency fund and savings accounts, but can't stand missing out on the latest movies or parties with friends, then you should re-evaluate your budget to reflect your new goals.

If you don't keep your budget current to your needs, wants, and future goals, you will abandon it for present pleasure, and with the right planning, you can have both.

6. Why Do I Always Have Expenses That Don't Fit Into My Budget?

Some people stop using a budget because many expenses don't seem to have a place in their budget. This is partly to be expected and is easy to fix. Any good budget will have a "miscellaneous" category for all disparate expenses that come up in a given month or year.

A target budget for miscellaneous expenses can be made by simply looking over purchases made over a few months and calculating a simple average. What came up that had to be fixed, bought, or borrowed? Would you be able to include those surprises in any of your other categories? If not, add these miscellaneous costs to your budget to cover for the rest of the year.

The point is to decide which costs are fixed (not negotiable and must be paid each month) versus variable (which fluctuate depending on the month or your mood). Your rent, for example, is fixed. Your gym membership, however, can be cut.

Sometimes the answer is as simple as re-evaluating your original budget for any missing categories or places where you might have underestimated how much should be budgeted.

Gifts and travel should have their place in your budget, and entertainment expenses should include eating out, and small impulse buys like magazines and snacks. Otherwise, you'll always find yourself with expenses that don't have a home in your budget, which could discourage you from sticking with the process. Over time you'll find that your budget more closely reflects your spending patterns, so long as you are honest with yourself about where your money goes.

What Is a Budget?

A budget is a spending plan. It reflects what you previously spent. You adjust it as your priorities shift.

What Is the 50/30/20 Rule?

50/30/20 is a way to budget your money. Under this plan, 50% of your take-home pay goes to needs, 30% goes to wants, and 20% goes to savings.

What Is the 60/20/20 Rule?

60/20/20 is another budgeting strategy. This plan recommends that you allocate 60% of your pay for needs, 20% for wants, and 20% for savings.

The Bottom Line

Good budgeting may seem like a humbling or constricting endeavor, but it can actually be very freeing if approached with an open mind and with future goals in place. After all, the goal of any budget should be to maximize what can safely be spent on the things you want and need while at the same time planning for a solid financial future.

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