
Learn everything you need to know about careers in business, corporate finance, money management, and financial planning here. Discover how to chart your path to success.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How many careers will the average person have?

    Some experts may claim people change careers between three and seven times in a lifetime. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a person between the ages of 18 to 54 will have more than 12 jobs in a lifetime. According to one study from Prudential, 20% of Americans changed jobs since early 2020, and the BLS estimates there are 6.43 million jobs in the finance sector.

  • What careers make the most money?

    According to government data, healthcare jobs tops the list of highest-paying occupations. The sector is projected to grow 16% from 2020 to 2030—adding about 2.6 million new jobs. Corporate chief executives, airline pilots, and computer and information systems managers are the next title on the list. Financial managers are among the top 25 professions and have a mean annual salary of $151,510.

  • How to change careers

    If you have spent years in an industry, it can seem daunting to pursue a new career path. But your skills and knowledge may transfer to a new field. It still may mean you need to go back to school, take courses, earn a professional designation or certification, or take a more entry-level job than you have held previously. But with online education, you may be able to get started before leaving your current job. Keep in mind that a career switch may offer a more rewarding challenge, better perks, and, ultimately, a better paycheck. 

  • What do most jobs in finance deal with?

    Finance sector jobs offer financial services to consumers, businesses, and governments. Most of these careers require advanced degrees in business, math, economics, and statistics. Some jobs, such as analysts, collect data to assess risk and reward using math and financial strategies. Financial jobs often involve raising funds, managing employees, assisting clients, and developing mathematical models to help businesses chart a path to growth.

  • What careers can I get with a finance degree?

    A bachelor's degree in finance will qualify you for entry-level work, but an advanced degree will make you better suited for management. Financial careers come with stiff competition and lots of stress, but offer perks such as excellent pay shortly after college, a challenging work environment, and highly motivated and intelligent colleagues. The career paths are vast when you have at least a bachelor's degree in finance and include investment banking, actuaries, financial planning, insurance agents, analysts, accountants, portfolio managers, traders, and chief executives.

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Page Sources
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  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Number of Jobs, Labor Market Experience, Marital Status, and Health: Results from a National Longitudianl Survey."

  2. Prudential. "Increasingly, Workers expect pandemic workplace adaptations to stick."