Does Dental Insurance Cover Crowns?

Dental crowns are partially covered by insurance, but not for cosmetic reasons

Are crowns covered by dental insurance? The short answer is yes, but not in all cases. The most important determinant is the reason for the procedure. If done for health reasons, coverage is possible. If done only for cosmetic reasons, chances are the crown is not covered.

Key Takeaways

  • Dental insurance does cover crowns, but only when they are medically necessary.
  • The coverage for a crown is usually 50% of the cost of the procedure, with the patient liable for the rest.
  • Waiting periods of a few months to a year or more after you have purchased dental insurance can apply to its coverage of crowns.

What Does Dental Insurance Typically Cover?

The typical annual maximum coverage cap on dental insurance is between $1,000 and $2,000, depending on your coverage. Most dental insurance covers procedures strictly related to health and wellness, with a three-tier structure known as 100-80-50.

Preventive care—such as annual cleanings, X-rays, and sealants—is covered 100%. Basic procedures such as fillings, extractions, and periodontal treatment for gum disease are covered at 80%. Major procedures—crowns, bridges, inlays, and dentures—are covered at 50%. Root canals can fall into the basic or major category, depending on your plan. Most plans focus on preventive and basic care, and not all procedures are covered.

Most insurance companies have a waiting period for new patients, though there are some that don’t. This waiting period usually applies to nonemergency procedures, such as crowns. It typically ranges from a few to 12 months, but could be more in rare instances.

$500 to $3,500

The price range for a single crown, depending on the material used. Metals are cheaper, but porcelain lasts longer and is more expensive.

Annual coverage limits, which can be as low as $1,000, can result in a situation where a lost filling or cavity earlier in the year has already eaten up a large portion of that year’s dental allowance. This would likely result in a crown being covered at less than 50%, so you have to be strategic about when you plan for specific procedures.

How Much Does a Dental Crown Cost With Insurance?

Most dental plans cover the cost of dental crowns in cases where a patient has a weak or cracked tooth. However, crowns are generally not covered if they’re requested purely for cosmetic reasons. That’s because dental insurance usually doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures, which mainly aim to improve the appearance of a patient’s teeth and smile rather than for health reasons. Other cosmetic procedures include whitening treatments, veneers, and bonding. The patient has to pay the entire cost of these treatments.

Although the cost of crowns depends on whether the material used is porcelain or metal, the price tag can range from $500 to $3,500 per crown. And remember, the cost is generally only covered at 50%. The patient must pay the remainder. Dentists can provide preliminary estimates, and many offer payment plans. Furthermore, dental credit plans offer low-interest financing methods, and some dental schools offer low-cost dental procedures. Employer-sponsored plans generally require lower insurance premiums due to group coverage.

What Happens If I Can't Afford a Crown?

Some dentists offer payment plans, and affordable dental financing companies are an option as well. Another option, would be to use a 0% APR credit card promotion. However, this is somewhat risky as you must payoff the entire balance before the promotion ends or face high interest. If you can't afford any more payments, your dentist might recommend a filling or other option until you can afford to pay for a crown.

Why Are Dental Crowns So Expensive?

Crowns must be custom-fitted to each person, and the materials used also determine the price of the crowns.

Do Dentists Guarantee Crowns?

Whether a dentist guarantees their work depends on the dentist and the materials used. Some might provide limited warranties, while others may not give any.

The Bottom Line

Dental crowns protect the roots of your teeth and provide a more appealing look than pulling them. Insurance providers generally cover 50% of crown costs, leaving the rest of the dental expenses to you if it is medically necessary. You'll likely be on the hook for the entire amount if it isn't.

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  1. Humana. "Dental Crowns: Costs and Coverage."

Part of the Series
Guide to Dental Insurance

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