How Leverage Is Used in Forex Trading

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Leverage is widely used throughout the global markets to acquire physical assets like real estate or automobiles and trade financial assets such as equities and foreign exchange.

Forex trading by retail investors has grown significantly in recent years, thanks to the proliferation of online trading platforms and the availability of cheap credit. Using leverage in trading is often likened to a double-edged sword since it magnifies gains and losses.

This is particularly relevant in forex trading, where high degrees of leverage are the norm. The next section's examples illustrate how leverage magnifies returns for both profitable and unprofitable trades.

Key Takeaways

  • Trading with leverage can amplify both gains and losses, the latter making the use of leverage risky.
  • High leverage ratios, such as 50:1, allow traders to take large positions with little upfront costs; however, this can lead to massive losses if trades go the wrong way.
  • Trading successfully with leverage requires skill, risk management, setting up stop losses, and capping losses.

Understanding Forex Leverage

Let’s assume that you are an investor based in the U.S. and have an account with an online forex broker. Your broker provides the maximum leverage permissible in the U.S. on major currency pairs of 50:1, which means that for every dollar you put up, you can trade $50 off a major currency.

You put up $5,000 as a margin, which is the collateral or equity in your trading account. This implies that you can initially place a maximum of $250,000 ($5,000 x 50) in currency trading positions.

This amount will obviously fluctuate depending on the profits or losses that you generate (note: this and the examples below are gross of commissions, interest, and other charges).

Example 1: Long USD / Short EUR

Assume you initiated the above trade with €100,000 when the exchange rate was EUR 1 = USD 1.3600 (EUR/USD = 1.36), as you are bearish on the European currency and expect it to decline in the near term.

Leverage: Your leverage in this trade is just over 27:1 ($136,000 / $5,000 = 27.2).

Pip Value: Since the euro is quoted to four places after the decimal, each “pip” or basis point move in the euro is equal to 1 / 100th of 1% or 0.01% of the amount traded of the base currency. The value of each pip is expressed in USD since this is the counter currency or quote currency. In this case, based on the currency amount traded of €100,000, each pip is worth $10. (If the amount traded was €1 million versus the USD, each pip would be worth $100.)

Stop-loss: As you are testing the waters in regard to forex trading, you set a tight stop-loss of 50 pips on your long USD / short EUR position. This means that if the stop-loss is triggered, your maximum loss is $500.


Understanding exchange rate risk is important in forex trading because it helps traders manage potential losses caused by currency value fluctuations.

Profit / Loss: Fortunately, you have beginner’s luck, and the euro falls to a level of EUR 1 = USD 1.3400 within a couple of days after you initiated the trade. You close out the position for a profit of 200 pips (1.3600 – 1.3400), which translates to $2,000 (200 pips x $10 per pip).

Forex Math: In conventional terms, you sold short €100,000 and received $136,000 in your opening trade. When you closed the trade, you bought back the euros you had shorted at a cheaper rate of 1.3400, paying $134,000 for €100,000. The difference of $2,000 represents your gross profit.

Effect of Leverage: By using leverage, you were able to generate a 40% return on your initial investment of $5,000. What if you had only traded the $5,000 without using any leverage? In that case, you would only have shorted the euro equivalent of $5,000 or €3,676.47 ($5,000 / 1.3600).

The significantly smaller amount of this transaction means that each pip is only worth USD 0.36764. Closing the short euro position at 1.3400 would have therefore resulted in a gross profit of $73.53 (200 pips x USD 0.36764 per pip). Using leverage thus magnified your returns by exactly 27.2 times ($2,000 / $73.53), or the amount of leverage used in the trade.

Example 2: Short USD / Long JPY

The 40% gain on your first leveraged forex trade has made you eager to do some more trading. You turn your attention to the Japanese yen (JPY), which is trading at 85 to the USD (USD/JPY = 85), and your trade amount is $200,000.

You expect the yen to strengthen versus the USD, so you initiate a short USD / long yen position in the amount of $200,000. The success of your first trade has made you willing to trade a larger amount since you now have $7,000 as margin in your account.

While this is substantially larger than your first trade, you take comfort from the fact that you are still well within the maximum amount you could trade (based on 50:1 leverage) of $350,000.

Leverage: Your leverage ratio for this trade is 28.57 ($200,000 / $7,000).

Pip Value: The yen is quoted to two places after the decimal, so each pip in this trade is worth 1% of the base currency amount expressed in the quote currency, or ¥2,000.

Stop-loss: You set a stop-loss on this trade at a level of ¥87 to the USD, since the yen is quite volatile and you do not want your position to be stopped out by random noise.

Remember, you are long yen and short USD, so you ideally want the yen to appreciate versus the USD, which means that you could close out your short USD position with fewer yen and pocket the difference. But if your stop-loss is triggered, your loss would be substantial: 200 pips x 2,000 yen per pip = ¥400,000 / 87 = $4,597.70.

Profit / Loss: Unfortunately, reports of a new stimulus package unveiled by the Japanese government leads to a swift weakening of the yen, and your stop-loss is triggered a day after you put on the long JPY trade. Your loss, in this case, is $4,597.70, as explained earlier.

Forex Math: In conventional terms, the math looks like this:

Opening position: Short $200,000 at USD 1 = JPY 85, i.e. +¥17 million

Closing position: Triggering of stop-loss results in USD 200,000 short position covered at USD 1 = JPY 87, i.e. –¥17.4 million

The difference of ¥400,000 is your net loss, which at an exchange rate of 87, works out to $4,597.70.

Effect of Leverage: In this instance, using leverage magnified your loss, which amounts to about 65.7% of your total margin of $7,000. What if you had only shorted $7,000 versus the yen (at USD 1 = JPY 85) without using any leverage?

The smaller amount of this transaction means that each pip is only worth ¥70. The stop-loss triggered at 87 would have resulted in a loss of ¥14,000 (200 pips x ¥70 per pip). Using leverage thus magnified your loss by exactly 28.57 times (¥400,000 / ¥14,000), or the amount of leverage used in the trade.

Tips When Using Leverage in Forex Trading

While the prospect of generating big profits without putting down too much of your own money may be a tempting one, always keep in mind that an excessively high degree of leverage could result in you losing your shirt and much more. A few safety precautions used by professional traders may help mitigate the inherent risks of leveraged forex trading:

  • Cap your losses: If you hope to take big profits someday, you must first learn how to keep your losses small. Cap your losses to within manageable limits before they get out of hand and drastically erode your equity.
  • Use strategic stops: Strategic stops are of utmost importance in the around-the-clock forex market, where you can go to bed and wake up the next day to discover that your position has been adversely affected by a move of a couple of hundred pips. Stops can be used not just to ensure that losses are capped, but also to protect profits.
  • Don’t get in over your head: Do not try to get out from a losing position by doubling down or averaging down on it. The biggest trading losses have occurred because a rogue trader stuck to their guns and kept adding to a losing position until it became so large that it had to be unwound at a catastrophic loss. The trader’s view may eventually have been right, but it was generally too late to redeem the situation. It's far better to cut your losses and keep your account alive to trade another day than to be left hoping for an unlikely miracle that will reverse a huge loss.
  • Use leverage appropriate to your comfort level: A 50:1 leverage means that a 2% adverse move could wipe out all your equity or margin. If you are a relatively cautious investor or trader, use a lower level of leverage that you are comfortable with, perhaps 5:1 or 10:1.

What Is Leveraged Trading?

Leveraged trading allows you to trade with more money than you have by borrowing from a broker. Leverage multiplies your market exposure, meaning you can earn large profits but similarly, even small moves can result in big losses. The use of leverage is expressed as a ratio, such as 20:1, which shows how much your position is amplified compared to your own funds, and losses are calculated on your trade value, not the amount of money you put in. Leverage should be treated with caution and only used by experienced traders.

Can I Lose All My Money in Leverage Trading?

Yes, you can lose all your money in leverage trading. In leverage trading, you trade with more money than you have by borrowing funds from a broker. This can amplify your profits but it can also amplify your losses. For example, if you invest with $1,000 and have 10x leverage, you're trading with $10,000. If the market moves against you by just 10%, you have lost your $1,000.

You may also even owe more than you invested if the losses exceed your balance. For example, if you invest with $1,000 and have 20x leverage, you are trading with $20,000. If the market moves against you by 6%, your position decreases by $1,200 (6% x $20,000). As your initial investment was $1,000, not only have you lost all your money, you now owe $200.

Should a Beginner Trader Use Leverage?

Beginner traders should generally avoid using leverage. Trading in its simplest form can already be difficult to master, with so many variables and uncertainties. Beginner traders should focus on learning the basics of trading, risk management, volatility, managing emotions, and understanding markets. Traders should only use leverage once they have had success in traditional, unleveraged trades, and only then do so with clear risk management strategies in place.

The Bottom Line

While the high degree of leverage inherent in forex trading magnifies returns and risks, our examples demonstrate that by using a few precautions used by professional traders, you may help mitigate these risks and improve your chances of increasing returns.

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