What Is a Quota?

What Is a Quota?

A quota is a government-imposed trade restriction that limits the number or monetary value of goods that a country can import or export during a particular period. Countries use quotas in international trade to help regulate the volume of trade between them and other countries. Countries sometimes impose quotas on specific products to reduce imports and increase domestic production. In theory, quotas boost domestic production by restricting foreign competition.

Government programs that implement quotas are often referred to as protectionism policies. Additionally, governments can enact these policies if they have concerns over the quality or safety of products arriving from other countries.

Key Takeaways

  • Countries use quotas in international trade to help regulate the volume of trade between them and other countries.
  • Within the United States, there are three forms of quotas: absolute, tariff-rate, and tariff-preference level.
  • Tariffs are taxes one country imposes on the goods and services imported from another country.
  • Because tariffs increase the cost of imported goods and services, they make them less attractive to domestic consumers.
  • Highly restrictive quotas coupled with high tariffs can lead to trade disputes and other problems between nations.



Investopedia / Sabrina Jiang

How a Quota Works

Quotas are different from tariffs or customs, which place taxes on imports or exports. Governments impose both quotas and tariffs as protective measures to try to control trade between countries, but there are distinct differences between them.

Quotas focus on limiting the quantities (or, in some cases, cumulative value) of a particular good that a country imports or exports for a specific period, whereas tariffs impose specific fees on those goods. Governments design tariffs (also known as customs duties) to raise the overall cost to the producer or supplier seeking to sell products within a country. Tariffs provide a country with extra revenue and they offer protection to domestic producers by causing imported items to become more expensive.

Quotas are more effective in restricting trade than tariffs, especially if domestic demand for something is not price-sensitive. Quotas may also be more disruptive to international trade than tariffs. Applied selectively to various countries, they can be utilized as a coercive economic weapon.

Quotas are a type of nontariff barrier governments enact to restrict trade. Other kinds of trade barriers include embargoes, levies, and sanctions.

Import Quota Regulatory Agencies

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency, a federal law-enforcement agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, oversees the regulation of international trade, collecting customs, and enforcing U.S. trade regulations. Within the United States, the three forms of quotas are absolute, tariff-rate, and tariff-preference level:

  1. An absolute quota provides a definitive restriction on the quantity of a particular good that may be imported into the United States, although this level of restriction is not always in use. Under an absolute quota, once the quantity permitted by the quota is filled, merchandise subject to the quota must be held in a bonded warehouse or entered into a foreign trade zone until the opening of the next quota period.
  2. Tariff-rate quotas allow a country to import a certain quantity of a particular good at a reduced duty rate. Once the tariff-rate quota is met, all subsequently imported goods are charged at a higher rate.
  3. A separate set of negotiations create tariff-preference levels, such as those established through Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

Goods Subject to Tariff-Rate Quotas

Various commodities are subject to tariff-rate quotas when entering the United States. These eligible commodities include, but are not limited to, milk and cream, cotton fabric, blended syrups, Canadian cheese, cocoa powder, infant formula, peanuts, sugar, and tobacco.

Other Types of Quotas

Business Quotas

In business, a quota can refer to a sales target that a company wants a salesperson or sales team to achieve for a specific period. Sales quotas are often monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Management can also set sales quotas by region or business unit. The most common type of sales quota is based on revenue.

Quotas in Politics

To have an adequate representation of women and marginalized persons in political offices, governments may establish quotas. However, in democratic societies, quotas often draw as much criticism as it does support.

Some argue that it promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion; whereas, others argue that it challenges the fabric of democracy, whereby voters elect their officials.

The word quota is not specific to business or trade; it can be used in many different contexts related to a target level of activity.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quotas

Pros of Quotas

While quotas can be controversial, they are implemented for various reasons and offer several potential benefits. For starters, quotas can be used to protect domestic industries from foreign competition by limiting the quantity of imported goods entering the market. This protection aims to safeguard domestic producers from being overwhelmed by cheaper foreign imports, thus protecting domestic jobs.

Quotas can also help address trade imbalances by limiting the inflow of goods from countries with which a nation has a significant trade deficit. By restricting imports through quotas, governments aim to reduce their dependence on foreign goods.

Quotas may be used to stabilize prices in domestic markets by controlling the supply of imported goods. By limiting the quantity of goods imported, governments can prevent sudden surges or declines in supply that could lead to price fluctuations and market instability. In a similar manner, by threatening or imposing quotas on specific goods, governments can exert pressure on other countries to reduce tariffs, thus trying to promote global economic stability.

Last, quotas can be implemented to ensure that imported goods meet certain environmental, health, or safety standards. For instance, consider the emissions of certain foreign goods that are shipped to the United States. The government, in accordance with environmental agreements, may limit the quantity of goods allowed for non-financial metrics.

Cons of Quotas

Advantages aside, there are many disadvantages to quotes that free market enthusiasts are quick to mention. Quotas can distort market dynamics by artificially limiting the supply of goods. This prevents markets from developing naturally; instead, the government must continually monitor how their quota is changing and potentially upsetting markets.

Quotas restrict competition from foreign producers, which in some contexts is a good thing. However, it can also result in reduced product variety, lower quality, and higher prices for consumers. Without competition, domestic producers may have less incentive to innovate, improve efficiency, or lower prices, leading to stagnation and reduced competitiveness in the long run.

One of the advantages mentioned above was the ability to influence global policies. However, imposing quotas on imports can provoke retaliation from trading partners. This may lead to trade disputes, tariffs, or other protectionist measures that harm trade relations and global economic stability.

  • Can protect domestic industries by limiting foreign competition

  • Can be used to drive strategy laid out by the government

  • Can be used to balance trade deficits

  • Can be used to protect non-financial assets like the environment

  • May cause larger issues by not allowing markets to move freely

  • Reduces overall competition

  • May lead to poorer quality or cheaper products since there's little incentive for innovation

  • May cause trade retaliation

Real-World Example

Highly restrictive quotas coupled with high tariffs can lead to trade disputes, trade wars, and other problems between nations. For example, in January 2018, President Trump imposed 30% tariffs on imported solar panels from China. This move signaled a more aggressive approach toward China's political and economic stance. It was also a blow to the U.S. solar industry, which was responsible for generating $18.7 billion of investment in the American economy and which at the time imported 80% to 90% of its solar panel products.

Presidential proclamations like this occur all the time. In December 2023, President Joe Biden released commentary on the import of steel and aluminum from the European Union. The briefing detailed how "the Secretary of Homeland Security shall recommend to the President, as warranted, updates to the in-quota volumes contained in this proclamation."

Other Uses of Quota

The concept of 'quota' is used extensively throughout business and other non-trade contexts. For example, a sales quota is a target or goal set for sales representatives or teams to achieve within a specific period. It's usually the goal a team sets out to achieve for a period, and there may be positive or negative repercussions if the quota is not met.

An employment quota, also known as a hiring quota or workforce quota, refers to targets set by organizations to achieve a certain level of diversity or representation within their workforce. Employment quotas may be based on criteria such as gender, ethnicity, disability status, or other demographic factors. For example, a company may want to have a certain percentage of their staff of a specific demographic; they can set a quota or target to ensure hiring practices reflect this target.

Last, let's touch on supplier quota. A supplier quota is a predetermined quantity or share of goods or services that a supplier is contracted to provide to a buyer within a specified period. Having a quota with a supplier helps ensure you're able to have enough materials on hand at the right time; this is especially important for manufacturing firms or retail companies that rely on inventory.

What Is a Quota for People?

A quota for people refers to the limit, either minimum or maximum, on the number of people who are allowed to be included or excluded from something.

What Does Quota Mean in Economics?

Quotas in economics refer to the time-bound restrictions governments impose on trade. This is generally done to protect and encourage domestic business and balance trade. Governments implement quotas by placing limits on the value or number of goods exported or imported. For example, a nation may restrict another from importing a maximum of 100 barrels of crude oil.

What Is Quota for a Job?

A job or workplace quota refers to the number of jobs allocated to underrepresented members of certain groups. For example, a company may decide it wants a workforce that mirrors the community or customers it serves. As a result, it may institute a quota to hire a certain number of women or a certain number of persons with disabilities.

The Bottom Line

In the context of import, export, and trade, quotas refer to restrictions imposed by governments on the quantity of certain goods that can be imported or exported during a specified period. Governments use quotas to control markets and implement broader strategies, though quotas disrupt free markets and may cause political tension.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. U.S. Customs and Border Protection. "Quota Administration."

  2. U.S. Customs and Border Protection. "Commodities Subject to Import Quotas."

  3. Office of the United States Trade Representative. "President Trump Approves Relief for U.S. Washing Machine and Solar Cell Manufacturers."

  4. Solar Energy Industries Association. "Solar Energy Research Data."

  5. Solar Energy Industry Association. "Section 201 Solar Tariffs."

  6. White House. "A Proclamation on Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States."

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