The Top 5 Most Unionized Industries

The education, manufacturing, and public service sectors are some of the most unionized industries, when compared to the broader labor market. Today, overall union participation rates are at their lowest levels in more than 100 years. In 1983, when comparable union data first became available, there were 17.7 million union workers, or 20.1% of the total workforce. In 2022, the number had fallen to 14.3 million people, which is only 10.1% of employed workers.

Is this trend likely to continue, or are better days ahead? Unfortunately, the horizon isn't so bright. As younger generations enter the workforce, fewer and fewer are working union jobs. In 2022, workers between the ages of 45 and 54 had the highest union membership rate, at 12.6%. Meanwhile, workers between the ages of 16 and 24 had the lowest union membership rate, at 4.4%.

Key Takeaways

  • In the United States, unions don't have the high membership numbers they did decades earlier.
  • In 1983, the union membership rate was 20.1%; in 2022, that number was 10.1%, the lowest on record.
  • There are plenty of factors that contribute to low union membership rates, including the cost of dues and the difficulty of organizing workplaces.
  • Workers in some industries may not feel the need turn to collective bargaining to secure high wages, benefits, and equity.
  • However, there are a handful of sectors whose workers see relatively high levels of union representation, including education, civil service, and manufacturing.

Why are young people more likely to be in nonunion jobs when they graduate high school or college? There are many factors, but the fees that unions charge don't help. For instance, for a worker who gives 25% of their paycheck to the government, dishing out an added 1 to 2% in union dues can cause financial strain. Depleted pension funds also cut down on the appeal of labor unions.

Not All Industries Have Unions

Unions represent a large part of government employees. In comparison, unions' share of private sector jobs has decreased dramatically in recent decades. Further, jobs in some sectors see more union representation than others. There are historical and present-day factors that explain industry-by-industry discrepancies.

Unions were first created to help workers in certain industries attain equal wages, benefits, rules of the workplace, and more. Workers at some firms may not feel as though they need a union to help achieve such working conditions. For example, the technology sector is known for offering above-average starting salaries, excellent benefits, and even firm equity. In this sector, workers may not feel any immediate need to unionize. However as workplaces evolve, employees in the future may feel that collective bargaining can help them secure better pay and working conditions.

What Are the Top Unionized Industries in America?

Although unions as a whole have witnessed their numbers shrink over the past several decades, they're still very important to certain industries. Here are some industries whose employees see higher union representation.


The National Education Association (NEA) of the United States is the biggest union in the country with more than 3 million members. It represents public school teachers, substitute educators, higher education faculty members, education support workers, administrators, retired teachers, and even students working to become teachers. The NEA was founded in 1857 with 100 members; in 1966 it merged with the American Teachers Association.

In 1916, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) was founded by eight Chicago teachers. Within the first four years, the organization grew to 174 members. Between World War I and II, the union fought to have tenure laws created for teachers. In 1954 the AFT played a key role in the civil rights movement when it filed an amicus curiae brief for the Supreme Court case, Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka.


On June 17, 1936, the Steel Workers Organizing Committee formed, and then on March 7, 1937, the union signed its first contract with Carnegie-Illinois Steel, giving workers a guaranteed $5 per day wage and benefits. In 1942, the Steel Workers Organizing Committee became the United Steelworkers. Today the union is 1.2 million members strong and includes not only steel, aluminum, and other metal workers, but also rubber, oil and chemical plant workers, pulp papers and forestry workers and more. It has members in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.

Public Service Workers

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is the country's largest union for public service employees. With more than 1.6 million active and retired members, it consists of nurses, child-care workers, EMTs, correction officers, sanitation workers and more. AFSCME was founded in 1932 during the Great Depression. Organizers hoped to not only improve but also spread the civil service system nationwide.

There's also the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the country's second-largest public service union. It has more than 1.1 million members, half of which are local and state government workers, childcare providers, bus drivers, and public school employees.

Auto Workers

When most people think of unions, the first that comes to mind is the United Auto Workers (UAW, also known as The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America). What many might not know is that the UAW isn't only for auto workers. The union also consists of employees in aerospace, agriculture, healthcare and more. Today the UAW has more than 400,000 active members and 580,000 retirees. Through collective bargaining, it has established the first employer-paid health insurance plan for industrial workers, job and income security provisions, as well as cost-of-living allowances, plus many other landmark deals for its members.

Electrical Workers

In 1891, not long after American homes started receiving electricity, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) was founded. At its peak in 1972, the organization had more than 1 million members, but it suffered a major setback when the United States courts forced it to separate from AT&T. As of 2023, IBEW has around 820,000 active and retired members. Outside of negotiating wages, benefits and rights, the IBEW established the National Apprenticeship Standards for the Electrical Construction Industry, which trains electrical workers on new technologies. This helps workers earn a living while learning new things within their trade.

Are Unions Popular in the US?

Labor unions have high levels of public support in the U.S. According to analystics and advisory company Gallup—which conducts an annual public opinion poll—67% of Americans approved of labor unions in 2023. This is up from a low of 48% in 2010 during the aftermath of the Great Recession.

What Is the Most Unionized Country?

Nordic countries have some of the highest rates of union membership. Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway are among the top countries based on share of workers who are members of unions, according to data from International Labour Organization Department of Statistics, a global reference for international labour statistics.

What States Have the Most Union Jobs?

In 2022, Hawaii and New York had the highest union membership rates, clocking in at 21.8% and 20.7%, respectively.

The Bottom Line

In the past few decades, the number of union workers has shrunk. Although union workers still make higher wages, depleted pension funds, as well as high dues, are causing younger employees to think twice about where to start their careers. However, there are still several industries where unions play a major role.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. BLS. "Union Membership (Annual) News Release- 2022."

  2. UAW. "Dues FAQ."

  3. NEA. "About NEA."

  4. NEA. "A Brief History of the NEA."

  5. United Steelworkers. "Our History."

  6. AFSCME. "Questions and Answers About AFSCME," Page 3.

  7. AFSCME. "History."

  8. SEIU. "What Type of Work Do SEIU Members Do?"

  9. UAW. "Who We Are."

  10. IBEW. "History and Structure," Pages 28-29.

  11. IBEW. "Who We Are."

  12. Gallup. "More in U.S. See Unions Strengthening and Want It That Way."

  13. QERY. "Trade Unions Worldwide."

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