Flash Crash: Definition, Causes, History

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What Is a Flash Crash?

The term flash crash refers to an event where prices of the overall market or a particular stock decline rapidly then recover quickly, sometimes within the span of minutes.

The cause of a flash crash is typically a rapid sell-off of securities, resulting in dramatic price declines. However, as prices rebound by the end of a trading day, it can appear as if the flash crash never happened.

Key Takeaways

  • A flash crash refers to a rapid price decline in the market followed by a quick recovery.
  • High-frequency trading firms are said to be largely responsible for recent flash crashes.
  • Regulatory authorities in the U.S. have taken steps to prevent flash crashes, such as by installing circuit breakers and banning direct access to exchanges.
  • One of the most notable examples occured on May 6, 2010, after a flash crash wiped out trillions of dollars in market value before recovering most of it that same day.

How Flash Crashes Work

Flash crashes occur when securities prices make drastic drops and rebound very quickly, typically within a single day. This was the case when the U.S. market experienced a sudden drop on May 6, 2010 and recovered within a short span.

As trading becomes more digitized, flash crashes are usually triggered by computer algorithms, as opposed to specific market or company news that might prompt a quick sell-off. With the emergence of high-frequency trading, computer programs can automatically react to economic conditions by selling large volumes of securities at an incredibly rapid pace to avoid losses. This in turn leads prices to drop.

As prices fall, more benchmarks might be triggered, creating a domino effect that results in a steep plunge in value. Today, more research is required on flash crashes, including whether they may indicate fraudulent activity.

Flash crashes can trigger circuit breakers at major stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which halt trading until buy and sell orders can be matched up evenly and trading can resume in an orderly fashion.

Although the activity of high-frequency traders is directly linked to flash crashes—and is often a main consideration—it's important to note that there can be many other attributing factors.

Preventing a Flash Crash

The risk of flash crashes occurring has increased as securities trading has become a heavily computerized industry driven by complicated algorithms across global networks. In response, global exchanges like the NYSE, Nasdaq, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) have implemented security measures and mechanisms to prevent them and their associated losses.

For example, some exchanges have put in place market-wide circuit breakers that trigger a pause or complete stop in trading activity in response to declines of a certain threshold: A decline of 7% or 13% in a market's index from its previous close halts trading activity for 15 minutes; a crash of more than 20% halts trading for the rest of the day.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has also banned naked access or direct connections to exchanges. High-frequency trading firms, which have been blamed for precipitating the flash crash's effects, often use their broker-dealer's code to access exchanges directly. Such measures cannot eliminate flash crashes altogether, but they have been able to mitigate the damages they can cause.

Examples of Flash Crashes

One of the most famous examples of a flash crash in recent history occurred on May 6, 2010, beginning shortly after 2:30 p.m. During the flash crash, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell more than 1,000 points in 10 minutes—the biggest drop in history at that point. The index lost almost 9% of its value within the hour. Over $1 trillion in equity evaporated, although the market regained 70% the loss by the end of the day.

Initial reports claimed that the crash was caused by a mistyped order, but that theory later proved to be erroneous. The flash was later attributed to Navinder Singh Sarao, a futures trader in the London suburbs, who pled guilty for attempting to spoof the market by quickly buying and selling hundreds of E-Mini S&P Futures contracts through the CME.

Other Flash Crashes

There have been other recent events resembling flash crashes, wherein the volume of computer-generated orders outpaced the ability of the exchanges to maintain proper order flow. These include:  

  • August 22, 2013: Trading was halted at the Nasdaq for more than three hours when computers at the NYSE could not process pricing information from the Nasdaq.
  • May 18, 2012: While not a flash crash per se, Meta (formerly Facebook) shares were held up for more than 30 minutes at the opening bell as a glitch prevented the Nasdaq from accurately pricing shares during its initial public offering (IPO), causing a reported $500 million in losses.

What Caused the Flash Crash of 2010?

According to an investigative report by the SEC, the flash crash that occurred on May 6, 2010 was triggered by a single order selling a large amount of E-Mini S&P contracts.

Can a Flash Crash Happen Again?

Even though there are measures put in place by exchanges to prevent them from taking place, flash crashes can and still do happen. According to two math professors at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the stock market has approximately 12 mini flash crashes a day.

What Is a Flash Crash in the Stock Market?

A stock market flash crash refers to rapid price declines in an overall market or a stock's price due to a withdrawal of orders. Prices then rebound back to roughly the same level they were before the crash, almost as though it never took place.

How Long Does a Flash Crash Last?

A flash crash takes place within a single trading day and can last anywhere from a matter of minutes to a few hours.

The Bottom Line

A flash crash is a type of stock market crash, in which prices plummet then rebound rapidly. Flash crashes are typically attributed to high-frequency trading, which enables the automatic buying and selling of securities in large volumes. Regulatory authorities have taken efforts to curb the risk of flash crashes, though per one estimate, there are about 12 mini flash crashes per day.

Article Sources
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  1. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "Findings Regarding The Market Events of May 6, 2010," Page 1.

  2. Investor, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "Stock Market Circuit Breakers."

  3. Wall Street Journal. "'Flash Crash' a Perfect Storm for Markets."

  4. Reuters. "UK Speed Trader Arrested Over Role in 2010 'Flash Crash'."

  5. Bloomberg. "Guy Trading at Home Caused the Flash Crash."

  6. Nasdaq. "Nasdaq OMX Provides Updates on Events of August 22, 2013."

  7. TechCrunch. "NASDAQ’s Glitch Cost Facebook Investors ~$500M. It Will Pay Out Just $62M. IPO Elsewhere."

  8. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "Findings Regarding the Market Events of May 6, 2010," Pages 1-2.

  9. MarketWatch. "Opinion: The Stock Market has About 12 Mini Flash Crashes a Day — and We Can’t Prevent Them."

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