Are We in a Baby Boomer Retirement Crisis?

Many haven't saved nearly enough

An older person looks out a window

Abraham Gonzalez Fernandez / Getty Images

Baby Boomers—the generation born between 1946 and 1964—are heading into retirement in droves. Along with the aging of this cohort comes a lot of data concerning their lack of preparation for their later years. Insufficient financial resources paint a gloomy picture for many retirees.

The following is a summary of some studies that shed light on how financially prepared the Baby Boomer generation is for retirement.

Key Takeaways

  • Baby Boomers are retiring in large numbers.
  • Many do not have enough saved for retirement.
  • Beyond a lack of planning, a key reason Baby Boomers lack retirement savings is due to the 2008 financial crisis, as well as the chronic low interest rates since.

How Much Have Baby Boomers Saved for Retirement?

Baby Boomers have an estimated median retirement savings of $194,000 as of late 2023, according to the TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies. The survey found that though 44% if Baby Boomers have more than $250,000 in retirement savings accounts, 26% had less than $50,000 in retirement savings accounts and 10% had nothing saved.

The estimated median home equity for middle-class retirees as of late 2023 was $177,000, though 15% of middle-class retirees reported no home equity. (Middle class was defined as having an annual household income between $50,000 and $200,000.)

This is not nearly enough for retirement, which can last up to three decades or even longer. Based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, adults between ages 65 and 74 spend, on average, $48,885 a year. Using the 4% rule, that means that the average nest egg for this age group should be $1.22 million to last thirty years in retirement.

Why Some Baby Boomers Lack Retirement Funds

A key reason Boomers lack funds is the stock market decline during the Great Recession. This event scared many older adults out of the markets, causing them to miss the subsequent rebound. Panic selling, although understandable, decimated many retirement accounts.

The following years of low interest rates drastically undermined the yields of bond funds that savers and retirees were urged to purchase. These yields, in turn, were invested in capital that earned virtually no interest. With wages plateauing, it was difficult for most workers to ramp up savings in their final earning years.

The most recent blow has been the huge losses and gyrations of the stock market due to the panic selling in February and March 2020. Even those who resisted likely took heavy hits to their assets.

Making all this worse is a lack of planning.

“This is the first generation to face saving for retirement on their own,” says Elyse Foster, CFP and principal at Harbor Financial Group, Inc. “I believe, early on, there was a lack of information on the importance of saving early and often. The assumption seemed to be ‘you are on your own.’”

With luck, Generation X and the Millennials will benefit from seeing the impact of not planning early. But the Boomers have to deal with it now. The switch from pensions to defined-contribution plans like 401(k)s also affected Baby Boomers, requiring many to take charge of their own retirement savings.


The percent of Baby Boomers who have a backup plan for retirement income if forced into retirement sooner than expected, according to the TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies.

Is This a Crisis?

Whether or not this can be called a crisis depends on which Boomers are being discussed, including the types of assets they can access. Boomers who own their own homes in an area with a lower cost of living may be able to live on quite a bit less than a rent-paying retiree in a major metropolitan area.

For many retirees, leaving work can mean a sometimes drastic lifestyle adjustment.

"Aside from solely relying on Social Security, looking to downsize your home, moving to a more affordable state, relying on public transportation, and having a robust budget that itemizes discretionary and non-discretionary items are all a good start," says Mark Hebner, president and founder of Index Fund Advisors, Inc. "The most important thing is that retirees have the right mindset about their lifestyle in retirement. This is why it is important to start making lifestyle adjustments before you retire."

How Many People Get Social Security Benefits?

According to the Social Security Administration, 90% of retirees today receive Social Security benefits, in contrast to only 69% of retirees in 1962.

What's the Average Social Security Benefit?

The average Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,922 per month in September 2024.

This is substantially less than the median monthly wage, which was approximately $5,044 for Q3 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How Do You Maximize Social Security Benefits?

If you do not need Social Security benefits when you reach full retirement age (age 67 if you were born in 1960 or later), consider waiting until age 70 to receive the maximum possible benefit. Waiting any longer will not increase what you'll receive.

The Bottom Line

For those depending on Social Security benefits alone, with little to no other savings, maintaining a comfortable lifestyle in retirement will likely be difficult. But whether their retirement is in crisis depends on the person, along with several factors, including where they are living and their ability to make lifestyle adjustments.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "The Recession of 2007-2009," Page 17.

  2. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies."The Multigenerational Workforce: Life, Work, and Retirement."
  3. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies."The Retirement Outlook of the American Middle Class."
  4. TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies. “What is “Retirement”? Three Generations Prepare for Older Age,” Page 11.

  5. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "A Closer Look at Spending Patterns of Older Americans."

  6. Social Security Administration. "How Did the Recession of 2007–2009 Affect the Wealth and Retirement of the Near Retirement Age Population in the Health and Retirement Study?."

  7. Pew Research Center. "Amid the Pandemic, a Rising Share of Older U.S. Adults are Now Retired."

  8. Social Security Administration. "Monthly Statistical Snapshot, September 2024."

  9. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Table 1. Median Usual Weekly Earnings of Full-Time Wage and Salary Workers by Sex, Quarterly Averages, Seasonally Adjusted."

  10. Social Security Administration. "Retirement Benefits."

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